{& i will rejoice in you, for you are good.}
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i'm Joy Tag
I did an experiment with my blur labpartner Links
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Saturday, March 28, 2009, 9:23 PM
i'm not studying, i'm not studying, i'm not studying. LOL. it's a SATURDAYYYYYY!! i came across this thingy on facebook. and i think it's creepy. MY BOY SIDE [x] you love hoodies [ ] you love jeans [x] dogs are better than cats [ ] its hilarious when people get hurt (eh guys are damn mean!) [x] you've played with boys on a team [ ] shopping is torture [ ] sad movies suck (cos they wanna act tough RIGHT!) [ ] you own a XBOX [x] you played with Hot Wheels as a little kid [ ] at some point in your life you wanted to be a firefighter [ ] you own a DS PS2 or SEGA [x] you used to be obsessed with Power Rangers [x] you watch sports on TV [ ] gory movies are cool [x]sometimes you go to your dad for advice [ ] you own like a trillion baseball hats [x] you used to/do collect pokemon [ ] baggy sweat pants are nice to wear [ ] its kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people [x] green, black, red, blue or silver are one of your favourite colours. [x] sports are fun [ ] you sometimes talk with food in your mouth [ ] you sleep at night with your socks on [x] you have fished at least once 11/25 MY GIRL SIDE [x] you like to shop [ ] you wear eyeliner [x] you wear the color pink [x] sometimes you go to your mum for advice [ ] you consider cheerleading a sport (uh, sorry, but no.) [ ] you hate wearing all black [x] you like going to the mall [ ] you like getting manicures and/or pedicures [x] you like wearing jewelery [ ] you cried watching The Notebook [ ] skirts are a big part of your wardrobe (i just realised after a quick scan) [x] shopping is one of your favourite hobbies [ ] you've seen Star Wars and don''t like it some of it [ ] you do/did gymnastics [ ] it takes you around one hour to shower and get dressed [ ] you smile a lot more than you should [ ] you have more than 10 pairs of shoes [x] you care about what you look like majority of the time [ ] you like wearing dresses whenever you can [x] you like dancing/do dancing [ ] you like high heel shoes [x] you used to play with dolls as a kid (aduh. omg barrrrbie) [ ] you like putting makeup on others [ ] you like being the star of almost everything [ ] pink is one of your favourite colours 9/25 eh what is thissssss! D: lol. after speech day, huaywen, lena, sharmaine, esther and sarah went out for lunchhhhhh! it has been so long and omg i love it. SARAH IS DAMN FUNNY hahah the way she imitates mr leng LOL! and in ajisen our topics kept lingering on death. oh how inauspicious! -.- on our way back huaywen and i were talking till we forgot the time, standing in front of 'bossini' while talking HAHA. it's so hilarious, the whole thing. reached home soooo tired, and zonked out during piano. i was totally STONING during sightreading hahaha! i just stared blankly until mr fun gives the next hint like "G, G! okay next note" kinda thing. -.- was so sucky. i fell asleep when dad set his foot in the house from germany. so cool right! and half the chocs he bought had so much liquour i cant help wincing at the effect of it. I LOVE MOCHI! gimme an endless supply and i'm contented. :D another level of goodbye. Thursday, March 26, 2009, 7:44 PM
i started the post with a normal-happy mood. and it's not going to end that way. oh, just WTH gah. ): Saturday, March 21, 2009, 9:27 PM
Had AYC meeting. kinda cool, but i am so going to be packed. time management schemes, here i come. whatever. OH the chair of AYC is my friend's SISTER! OMG hahaha. and the male teacher there was saying this AYC is collaborated with guys from NUShigh and VS, but we must FOCUS, putting guys and bfs aside. and THANK YOU KAUSHI AND BEAUNICE they started patting my shoulder and saying "joy's very attractive", and the teacher kept eyeing me and TEASING ME, asking "so, joy, do you have a bf?" i totally blushed. if i said i didnt have, they'll eye me closely for attracting attention of guys. if i said i have, they'll eye me on my proposals and what-nots to see if i'm managing well with a bf at hand. oh, wow, thanks. am i dead, or dead? so they will be teasing me from now till the end of the First ASEAN Youth Convention. Nice. mom and dad pulled me out for a movie. marley and me. dad CRIED. HE CRIED. omg, like finally. i cant imagine how i'll wail when chiral grows old and die. my tear ducts will be all dehydrated. i got inspired. (chiral, be honoured. your breed!) Shetland Sheepdog: Loyal, Loving, Leading Loyal to their master Love who's above, around, below them Leading and guiding a pack of sheep to safety always mild and gentle, humble. that's who i wanna be. Thursday, March 19, 2009, 11:12 PM
[reflection of water waves; plane waves; To calculate reflection: Find: 1) Incidence wavefront 2) Incidence ray 3) Normal 4) angle of incidence 5) angle of reflection] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- went out with zy, mabel and priscilla. such a long time since we caught up (:i cant believe i'm screwing up everything! i even suck at bowling now. oggay, i dont care. what's the point of thinking so much, grah. went to grab our old hideout, neoprint shops. yes, reeeeeely old. xD i look like a spastic lian. i cant believe i'm turning into a lian, with this hairdo and all. oggay, i shant care. this is totally making my ego sink lower than titanic. which TOTALLY SHOULDNT BE THE CASE. :\ and yes, i realise i just created 2 para of the same scheme. it's nearly 2. i know i should be sleeping. but knowing doesnt equate to doing. (: Sunday, March 15, 2009, 11:07 PM
recently, i borrowed books from the lib. and when i read them, i thought why are they engaging so much into physical activity when they're like, so young? esp when these books are meant for teens. Our world is turning more and more... i dont know how to describe. WHY ARE YOU giving your bigV to a young immature BOY he doesnt know much more than you do. not that i encourage adults to do so, even if they were mature...are they? they seem to change partners like changing clothes. worse, change S partners as well. W T H ? ohmg. i know S.Edu is really impt nowadays. i KNOW. well, my point of view? S is really out of topic. No no. R/s at my age? depends. if the girl's ready, and the guy she chooses is steady, why not? of course, it subjects to changes of character along the way. i keep my stand. bigV is really meant for after marriage. S is a gift from God, to married couples. so 6:51 PM
damn you, blood suckers. you are sleepy and you fall sleep in bed. then you feel itchy, you begin to scratch, and you find a odd-shaped kiss mark. and you go, "dammit". goggy, half asleep yet half awake, you switch on the light, examining your itchy kiss, wondering wth was keeping you awake at 2am in the morning a mosquito bite. or kiss. up to own interpretation. either way it's a love bite, from a mosquito. feeling so itchy, you decide to switch off the fan and switch on the aircon instead. then you forced yourself hard to sleep, but the itching was really itchy, (okay, duh) plus more and more were forming. getting up, getting pissed, slapped the lights on again, the aircon wasnt cool, it was hawt. nawt. and you find a black thing buzzing about, frequency of sound produced: more than 20 000 Hz. the wavelength you dont care. You cursed. and SWAPPPP! your lover died. no more love bites. goody. then you think about it, it died such a quick death after making your night like hell. seriously, you got tortured, it got an easy death. even this kind of thing is unfair. you look at the squashed mosquito, lifeless. it should totally die a slow death. totallaye. you really wished it was bigger, for you to torture before letting it die or should you? okay, someone, tell me i'm a sadist. Friday, March 13, 2009, 7:05 PM
totally OAC. :D haha. 3C, we rock. we didnt have any instructors and we were really up to standard. these are 2 more significant cheers we came up with during the camp itself. totally 3C, totally trip science. Meal cheer; Hungry girls, angry girls, hungry angry girls... [in the tune of jingle bells] (Stop! Ask nicely!) Oh can we please start eating Cos we're very very hungry Can we please start eating Cos we need our carbos Our mitochondria need food to give us energy Can we please eat now! [in the tune of 'friendship dance'] Campfire cheer; 3! (echo) 3C! (echo) 3C at OAC 3C at OAC (echo) This is a song for campfire singing (echo) We're having so much fun under the sun (echo) Oh...we are spending time bonding (echo) Bonding bonding ionic bonding (echo) 1 2 3 4! Round and round the 3C bush 3C bush 3C bush Round and round the 3C bush all day long! Abigail is like, my toilet and night partner. the toilet people are really, annoying. no offence, but GAH. so abby and i bathed together and washed up tgt. then our beds were like, connected so it became one bed. i love the nights! hahaha. so fun whispering in the dark. aw, kinda sad i didnt get to do zipline! that's like, the thing i really looked forward to. abseiling is, whoah. rock climbing was fun freaky. xD i love the stuff. high e was abit sad cos it rained. grah! HAHA OMG i nearly lost my voice during campfire. i was like, frantically gulping bottles of water in order to save my head from ms chye's chopping board. D: we had toilet cleaning duty today. jemima is our hero. (: went to macs with abigail and peixuan! again, i stress on the post that is 2 posts below this. get the hint? I want to linger here A little longer here A little longer here with you, It's such a perfect night It doesnt seem quite right This is our last night here with you, And come Septemer I will rememer Our camping days and friendships true, And as the years go by I think of you and sigh It's just goodnight and not goodbye; Sunday, March 8, 2009, 6:24 PM
iced lemon tea, without lemon. was reading this book "it's not easy being mean". i thought "it's not easy being popular if you arent being mean." would be a better phrase? (yes, i am glaring) kaushi, we'll go to the mountain's edge and scream our hearts and minds out. 3c is super mugger, i cant stand it. we so need a break. i dont care, i'm just gonna go crazy, lose myself for 3 days during OAC. i dont care, i'm just gonna be totallaye insane. :D we seriously need a perfect time to SCREAM. i admit, women scream loads. omg, i read esther's blog. pms = please make sex?!!? it must be Anuthida behind this. lol. seriously, why do people get pissed so easily? -rolls eyes. unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die from it; 6:06 PM
so what if you gain the whole world but lose your soul? i pity you, friend, that you have to act that you have to be ever conscious that you have to go against your true self isnt it tiring? that you have to force yourself to be who you arent. just let go, be who you are, for all these plasticity are just chasing after the wind. you get what you want temporarily; are you truely happy? Meaness is your source of popularity? i worry for you, friend, that when you lose what you're desperately fighting for going against all odds lose yourself till you no longer know what was the real you living in fakery Large loud laughters without joy Big branded materials without smiles Huge crowd of people without true friends and you say you're popular? all these will fade away you'll be ditched when you cant keep up when you grow tired welcome to reality. Saturday, March 7, 2009, 12:38 PM
![]() abigail and i went to chop our hair on thursday, accompanied by charlotte and kaushi! haha, OAC round the corner, helps bathing to be easier. commontests are over, results are out. omg. i shant say anything about it. (: kaushi's so retarded. or rather, our whole group is. charlotte's acting as the "hurry up" person, kaushi's acting (YES, ACTING!) as the "logical" person. o.O super funnaye. :D i love charlotte. dont hurt her, you jerk. CATS MUSICAL. decided to go with the choir people. i wonder why pamela and shar wanna go, cos they're so freaked out by catsssssss. LOL. omg, ): Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 5:17 PM
youknowwhat; commontests are OVER. Emath: Screwed. SS: somewhat Screwed. Chemistry: Okay Physics: Okay Biology: Okay Amath: Screwed. -.- i cant believe this. i got a simple simul equation wrong. HAHAHA i just got back from ngeeannpoly. some choir perf. why a choir perf in the middle of CTs rah! hahaha backstage was hilarious. i kept getting hiccups and everyone was like, laughing at me. lol. valerie, stop poking me. rachel, stop hitting my butt. ashikin, stop tapping me. laura, stop slapping my butt. idelle, stop kissing me. pamela, stop tickling meeeee! AAAHAHAH. OH OAC is in a week's time. xuepiao, me, abby and maybe charlene is planning to cut our hair short. i wanted to try out a new style; i'm getting bored. but then now when it's getting closer to the-day-of-cutting-together, the more i dont want to snip off my hair. it's like, playing tricks on me, cos it looks kinda nice now. should i cut?! but i alr agreed to cut. no backing out. :D longhair, imy. ohamgee i'm being retarded. can some kind soul please tell me what i missed out today? (: Let it bih, let it bih let it bih, let it bih whisper words of wisdom, let it bih. |